Message from Ms. Bharati Silawal Giri, Advisory Member
It is a matter of great satisfaction and happiness that Community Action Centre- Nepal (CAC- Nepal) has been growing from strength to strength since its inception in 1993. It has been doing commendable work in providing the much needed support and services to those communities who are forced to live on the margins of the society as they face stigma and discrimination. They thus remain invisible in the eyes of the State and are excluded from planning and budget allocation processes which further deepens their marginalization from the state and society.
CAC- Nepal must be credited with the vision and mission to serve this disadvantaged and underserved category of communities – Female Sex Workers (FSWs) and People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHIV) who are the most vulnerable to a web of violence, trafficking and poverty.
In this respect, CAC- Nepal through its community based programs and interventions to end stigma and discrimination against women and girls including PLWHIV is playing an important role in empowering these high risk groups and spreading awareness among the communities they live in and interact with on their right to live in dignity and freedom from violence.
At the same time, CAC- Nepal is serving a vital function in supporting the government to fulfil its international commitments and obligations in advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, International Conference on Population and Development and the Beijing Platform of Action and its 12 critical areas of Concern. It’s contributions in helping the government to achieve its MDGs targets particularly 1, 3, and 6 are also noteworthy. CAC- Nepal embodies the spirit that NGOs like this are critical links between the government and communities through their outreach and dedicated efforts in transforming communities for a better tomorrow.
Congratulations CAC- Nepal and keep up the good work!!
With best wishes