


Community Action Centre – Nepal (CAC-Nepal), a non-profit, non-governmental social organization, was established in April 1993 by a group of intellectuals, social workers and people experienced in community development work. CAC-Nepal’s basic principle is based on the conviction that the paramount need is to enhance the spirit of the people to take charge of their lives in partnership to promote sustainable development with special emphasis on women and children.

It’s objective is mainly to empower girls and women who are living in extreme conditions of poverty and marginalization that exacerbate their vulnerability to illegal migration, trafficking, violence and HIVAIDs. This is evident in the increased reporting of trafficking in women and children, violence against women in the community, HIV/AIDs and increased involvement of girls and women in the entertainment industry. CAC-Nepal is a leading advocate for women’s right issues since 1993. It has been working in curtailing the AIDS epidemic in Nepal through community awareness programs, health camps, Behavioral Change Communication, Strategic Behavior Communication and HIV counseling and testing clinics. It is regarded as one of the pioneer organization for recognition of the rights of Female Sex Workers who have been ensnared into commercial sex work through trafficking and internal migration.

CAC-Nepal is well-known for implementing sound management systems that reflect good governance and gender friendly policies within the organization. Employing the ‘Technical and Organizational Capacity Assessment Tool (TOCAT)’ has developed policies and Strategies such as Human resources Policy, Management policy, Financial policy, Gender policy, Organizational strategy plan, Communication Strategy.

Peaceful dignified and equal society
CAC-Nepal is committed to empower women and children in who are at high risk to address their social issue.
By supporting women to become economically, socially and psychologically independent and self-reliant, and focusing on gender equity, we empower women’s position in the community, and thus strengthen the community, raising the living standards of women. Protecting children from all forms of abuse and maltreatment, ensuring their right to freedom and education.
Empowering women and protecting children and preventing all kinds of abuse within family and community. Taking action against the trafficking of women & children in Nepal. Taking action against domestic violence of women & children in Nepal and advocating on their behalf. Taking action against the spread HIV/AIDS & the sexual exploitation of women & children. End discrimination against HIV/AIDS-positive women and men in communities. Implementing awareness raising programs among high-risk child workers& child migrants. Building the sustainability of the organization by coordinating with national, regional and international donors. Conducting research work related to the issues of women and children.