Best Wishes to CAC – Nepal
Honourable Daman Nath Dhungana (Former Speaker of the House of Representatives, Founder President and Advisor of CAC-Nepal)
I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to Community Action Centre Nepal (CAC-Nepal) on the occasion of its twenty-fifth anniversary. As a founding chair, I am proud to be part of this organization with its noble objectives. When we started this organization we focused only on a limited number of issues; now CAC-Nepal covers all emerging issues of women and children. We decided to handover the leadership to Ms. Tulasa Lata Amatya in 2000, because we believed that she would be a committed new leader. Now CAC-Nepal is recognized at national, regional and international levels. I would like to thank her for her effort in reaching today’s milestone. Finally, I would like to thank the advisory team, the board and the entire staff of this wonderful organization for the tremendous effort put forward in the past twenty-five years. I wish the Centre all success in it endeavors.
With best wishes.
Dr. Lata Bajracharya (President, CAC-Nepal)
Community Action Centre (CAC) is an organization which contributes a lot to support and upgrade women’s health in terms of trafficking, child labor, GBV, education, peace clinical services like STI, HIV and AIDS, screening on breast cancer and Cervical cancer ID and even in the relief work during crisis like earthquake. This organization has become successful in bridging the gap between governmental and non governmental stakeholders to some extent to implement sexual and reproductive health activities in the country. It also provides international fellows for internships. As President of CAC it gives me a great pleasure to express my gratitude and best wishes on the publication of the Souvenir. I would like to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to Ms. Tulasa Amatya for her dedicated works, efforts and responsibilities to this organization since its establishment. She is a role model to this organization. We should salute her. I would like to thank to entire team of this organization for working day in and day out to place this organization at present status. Lastly I wish further more progresses and achievements of this organization. Long live CAC-Nepal.
Laura & Chris Mansfield (Boston, USA)
Congratulations on the 25th anniversary of the Community Action Center -Nepal. What a wonderful organization supporting, protecting and empowering the women and children of Nepal. Tulasa Lata Amatya, the founder and longtime leader, has raised international aware-ness of the issues facing Nepal such as human trafficking, violence against women, children’s health, HIV-AIDS prevention and gender discrimination. Thousands of Nepalese are living better, healthier and longer lives thanks to the efforts of CAC-Nepal. Congratulations again and thank you.
Mr. Marten van Loo, Ms. Jose Koster, Mr. Menoo Otto (Chairperson, Finance Officer, Member Stichting Bungkulung)
It’s our pleasure to provide our congratulations to Community Action Centre-Nepal (CAC- Nepal) on the occasion of its 25th Anniversary. The Bungkulung Foundation is connected to CAC-Nepal through her founder Paul Schram. He met Ms Tulasa Amatya in 1982, and since their first meeting, they were close friends. Since the start Paul supported CAC-Nepal not only financially but also as an advisor. Paul worked for 5 years in the East of Nepal and fell in love with this beautiful country. He did not close his eyes for the partial poverty and other problems in Nepal. When in 2010 he decided to raise the foundation, Stichting Bungkulung, to support children and woman in Nepal, he also formalized the support for CAC-Nepal. We are honored to provide a yearly contribution to CAC-Nepal and be part of this great organization in various ways.