Honourable Daman Nath Dhungana, ( Former Speaker of the House of Representatives, Founder President and Advisor of CAC-Nepal )
I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to Community Action Centre Nepal (CAC-Nepal) on the occasion of its twenty-fifth anniversary. As a founding chair, I am proud to be part of this organization with its noble objectives. When we started this organization we focused only on a limited number of issues; now CAC-Nepal covers all emerging issues of women and children. We decided to handover the leadership to Ms. Tulasa Lata Amatya in 2000, because we believed that she would be a committed new leader. Now CAC-Nepal is recognized at national, regional and international levels. I would like to thank her for her effort in reaching today’s milestone. Finally, I would like to thank the advisory team, the board and the entire staff of this wonderful organisation for the tremendous effort put forward in the past twenty-five years. I wish the Centre all success in it endeavours.
With best wishes.