Message from Mr. Mohan P. Lohani, Advisory Member

Community Action Centre-Nepal(CAC-Nepal), established in 1993, was launched with a vision and a mission. The Centre celebrated last year(2013) two decades of its existence amidst various programs. It has significant achievements to its credit. During the last 20 years, the Centre has successfully embarked on and completed a number of Projects, such as Saath Saath Project (SSP) and Comprehensive Package for Female Sex Workers. The Center was able to establish in 2012 a Crisis Prevention and Response Center (CPRC), the fulfillment of a  long-cherished goal, under the Comprehensive Package. Mention should be made of ongoing Projects being carried out since 2009 in collaboration with Bhaktapur District Public Health Office. The Centre owes its various achievements to its Management  Team  which was led by  Tulsa Lata Amatya ,the first chairperson, for more than 10 Years, its dedicated staff members, Field Supervisors, Outreach Educators and Community Mobilisers. The Center appeals to its well-wishers and supporters to join CAC-Nepal as its members and welcomes anybody who would like to assist the Center financially and in other ways in the Centre’s ongoing  and future programs and activities.