CAC- Nepal implemented Behavioral Change Intervention and Behavioral Change Communication programme among female sex workers (FSWs) from 2002 to 2006. The programme benefited 1100 FSWs. Furthermore, in partnership with FHI 360 CAC-Nepal has been implemented “Integrated Health Services to Female Sex Workers and their clients in the Kathmandu Valley” under the Advancing Surveillance, Policies, Prevention, Care, and Support to Fight HIV/AIDS (ASHA) Project from 2006 to 2011 in Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur district. The project targeted its intervention at local liquor shops, cabin/dance restaurant workers; street based and home-based female sex workers. This project entered its third phase in October 2011- September 2016 with the implementation of the Saath Saath project (SSP) in Bhaktapur district that was supported by USAID through FHI 360 Nepal. The title of project was “Integrated Family Planning, HIV Prevention, care, treatment services for FSWs, clients of FSW and PLHIV in Bhaktapur district”. The main interventions of the project were: HIV Prevention Programmes with FSWs; Local advocacy and networking; Provision of expanded Integrated Health Services; and Capacity building of the staff. From October 2016, CAC-Nepal has been implementing LINKAGES Nepal Project in Bhaktapur district. The objective of this project is to implement activities to support HIV prevention, care, support and treatment services for FSWs, client of FSWs and PLHIV in Bhaktapur district.